Jeffrey W. LeFever is a visual artist born and raised in Southern California, currently working from Las Vegas, Nevada.
He is known for his early career’s iconic airbrushed illustration work and his experimental excursions into abstract and mixed media painting. He is also known for his work as a photographer.
Jeff’s photography began as a service to his commercial clients, helping catalog small products and capture large-scale industrial manufacturing processes. His biggest photo project to date has been photo-capturing the visual theological voice found in consecrated spaces— a fourteen-year project that spanned ten countries, eight states, and 58 cities.
As with his painting, his photography has grown into a more personalized form. Jeff has been developing his unique in-camera multi-exposure photographic style of abstraction since 2016. Plans for evolving this work into large-scale multimedia artworks are underway. Acquire Jeff’s work here at www.lefeverart.com or simply click Buy & Collect above to shop unlimited open editions and small-batch limited edition collectibles.
Jeff LeFever Publications at Blurb:
Older Limited Prints for sale at Saatchi Art:
www.blurb.com (16 books)
www.saatchiart.com (88 artworks)
To begin in 2021: Jeff has started seeking partnerships with gallery representation. Jeff will also begin reviewing special private & corporate project with rep/agents proposing large commission collaborations. All interested representatives for special commissions, collaborations, and Gallery representation, please contact Jeff at lefever@lefever.com
Jeff appears in Brian C. Nixon’s new book, TILT, published by WIPF and Stock Publishers. TILT, Finding Christ In Culture is a collection of encounters/reflections by Brian Nixon in which he “takes the reader on a voyage of discovery, traveling the currents of God’s presence in culture, summed up in four streams that define a noun: people, places, things, and ideas. In his journey, Nixon touches upon people as diverse as Andy Warhol, Cormac McCarthy, Robert Redford, and Georgia O’Keeffe; places such as Canterbury, England, and Las Vegas, Nevada; things as unique as typewriters, trains, and abstract art; and ideas as fascinating as mathematics and beauty. In these short impressionistic pieces, Nixon, with the curiosity of a journalist, elicits intelligent discussion and poetic articulations, prompting a head tilt from those who join him on a theo-cultural expedition.” Among brief mentions in the book, Jeff’s main appearance is in part 4 (Ideas) on page 188, Consecrated Space: A conversation with Artist Jeff LeFever. Find the book at the publisher’s website or you can pick it up at Amazon.

Jeff is commissioned by Brian Nixon to illustrate the cover for Nixon’s book, Beauty (and the Banana): A Theopoetic Aesthetic. Brian asks specifically for Jeff to use his multiple-exposure camera technique to make a variation of Maurizo Cattelan’s surprising artwork, Comedian, from the 2019 Venice Bienalle. In his book, Brian asks, “What is it that makes something beautiful? Is beauty solely in the eye of the beholder, or something deeper, more significant?” In Beauty (and the Banana), Nixon writes as an introductory book for Christian leaders, providing the reader an overview of the historical, hermeneutical, and heuristic considerations of beauty. Using the artwork Comedian (a banana taped to a wall) by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan as a springboard, Nixon addresses various fundamental factors of beauty—ontology (being), teleology (form and understanding), and immutability (transcendence and eternality). Integrating poetry and classical ideals throughout, Beauty (and the Banana)’s response to the above questions may surprise all who read—beauty is more than meets the eye.