The 3rd Quarter ISQ magazine is a 64-page magazine filled with bird images and bird poetry. The Bird Menagerie combines my multiple-exposure photographic art style with some sourced public-domain poems and some poems written by articial intelligent predictive engines guided by a few prompts and post-edits. The Bird Menagerie is available now at (see below).
Each Image Sketches Quarterly, (ISQ) magazine thematically presents my “Idea Sketches.“
The first three magazine issues were introduced in the last quarter of 2022. The first two issues are “Revisits.” of two of my favorite photographic themes: flora and church spaces. The third is a photographic study of beauty but from a different perspective.
The following four issues for 2023 feature favorites from my Halftone Lockdown Series of multiple-exposure photographs. All ISQ issues are available at, where you can enjoy free previews (usually about 15 pages are previewed). And 2024 opened with an introduction to the world of the Trans-O-Matic & Auto-Rectilinear issues.
More about each issue is listed below as they are released.
For ISQ updates, opt in to the lefeverart newsletter HERE
ISQ: The Bird Menagerie
“LeFever’s having some fun again. I think this is his version of Birding or perhaps ‘peopling’ as life is viewed here. ” ~ Bo Stanly
The Bird Menagerie is a playful time for all who love birds, poetry, and art. There are twits and chirps, tweets, and whistling poetic verse to accompany 64 pages of multiple-exposure in-camera photographic bird artwork. The poetry is sourced from the public domain and credited to the author and poet. And to add a bit of current cultural advancement, there are also non-credited poems that were prompted for expression in the AI predictive engines, Bard, Chat GBT, Gemini, and Claude. The pictures produce some colorful (and some off-color) bird species, some comical, and some provocative.
Above are some screen captures of a few double spreads from ISQ, The Bird Menagerie
A 15-page preview can be seen at — Check it out when you click the button below! Get your copy today and check out all the LeFever ISQ Magazines and Books while you are there!
ISQ: Auto Rectilinear
“This might be the best ISQ issue yet. LeFever’s exploration of his multi-layered photo style has matured. Concise like a laser.” ~ Bo Stanly
The Auto Rectilinear series progresses as an extension of the Trans-O-Matic artworks. The difference is that they are fully rectangular in picture form and have a particular stylization hearkening to the spirit of the original LeFever multiple-exposure photographs.
The Rectilinears focus on car culture, yes. They also add popular commercial art and various life-imagery to car advertisements of the 1940s-60s. Within all the Rectilinear artworks, the automobile is a design element. The slogans are actual ads. Peppered throughout is human imagery that reflects life “beyond the advert” as a juxtaposition to provide philosophical seasoning for those who like to ponder and reflect.
Above are some screen captures of a few double spreads from ISQ, Auto Rectilinear
A 15-page preview can be seen at — Check it out when you click the button below! Get your copy and check out all the LeFever ISQ Magazines and Books!
ISQ: Trans-O-Matic
“Wow, that was funny!!!! I will start paying more attention to advertising and the world we are being offered as ‘progress’!” ~ Bo Stanly
In this parody of science, technology, and modern notions that new is always better, I have some fun with the car advertising of the 1950s. Such terms as Hydra-Matic, Dynaflow, and Powerglide, “maximum cornering,” “four-footed roadability,” and “Accel-egance” fueled my fun filled creative play. This is science and technology pitched to be the best option for “living a life we always dreamt of.” After all, isn’t self-transformation through technological advancements always a good sell? With the fun play of mixing ideas of less than-successful Transformers and Transhumanists, seasoned with a bit of sloganist fluffery, and, voilá, the Trans-O-Matic.
Above are some screen captures of a few double spreads from ISQ, Trans-O-Matic
A preview can be seen at — Check it out when you click the button below! Get your v.4 copy to go with v.1, v.2, & v.3 to complete your set.
ISQ: Halftone Lockdown Volume IV
“A memory, becomes a conflation, a confabulation, I am Alice in Wonderland if I am awake at all.” ~ Bo Stanly
The FINAL of the four 60-page picture magazines in which I explore memory storage and recall; formed by data within our proximity, true and false, a memory is formed and stored as an engram—but also how these memories become imagined and conflated, when retold over time. How confident our lives when sewn together with the memory of our experiences. And yet over time, as we age we are shocked to find things aren’t always as we swear by our memory. These are pictorialized engrams.
Above are some screen captures of a few double spreads from ISQ H.L. v.IV
A preview can be seen at — Check it out when you click the button below! Get your v.4 copy to go with v.1, v.2, & v.3 to complete your set.
ISQ: Halftone Lockdown Volume III
“Like a dream that I partially remember when I awake, these images capture me.” ~ Bo Stanly
Another 60-page picture magazine in which I explore memory as visual engrams (a unit of cognitive information imprinted in the brain [theorized to be how memories are stored] and that are rewritten and possibly changed over time with each revisit of that memory). Simply how our memories reshape what we think we remember and who we remember: what is the reality of a person, and who is that person when we find out all along that they were only a projection of our mind that we thought was them—and how surprised we are when they prove to be someone/something else.
Above are some screen captures of a few double spreads from ISQ H.L. v.III
A preview can be seen at — Check it out when you click the button below! Get your v.3 copy to go with v.1 & v.2 .
ISQ: Halftone Lockdown Volume II
“Advancing on Vol I, another set of mental engrams made tangible.”, ~ Bo Stanly
A 60-page picture magazine in which I explore memory as visual engrams (a unit of cognitive information imprinted in the brain [theorized to be how memories are stored] and that are rewritten and possibly changed over time each time we revisit that memory). Simply how our memories reshape what we think we remember.
Who are we in this world but for our memories and the ideas that hold together our identity and from which we perceive and ascribe meaning to data we acquire in proximity and by association? The effect of family and friends with memory-depleting diseases has led me to wonder about and explore this topic through a body of work developed during the 2020 social restrictions and shutdowns. Volume two continues the exploration of mixing popular images, changing their context, and meaning, eventually the pictures themselves into new but familiar imagery. Memories of things that never were exactly.
Above are some screen captures of a few double spreads from ISQ H.L. v.II
A preview can be seen at Blurb. Check it out when you click the button below! Enjoy!
ISQ: Halftone Lockdown Volume I
“A unique visual of confabulated memory’, ~ Bo Stanly
A 60-page picture magazine in which I explore memory as visual engrams (a unit of cognitive information imprinted in the brain [theorized to be how memories are stored] and that are rewritten and possibly changed over time each time we revisit that memory).
Who are we in this world but for our memories and the ideas that hold together our identity and from which we perceive and ascribe meaning to data we acquire in proximity and by association? The effect of family and friends with memory-depleting diseases has led me to wonder about and explore this topic through a body of work developed during the 2020 social restrictions and shutdowns. Volume one starts with the early images from this series/study.
Above are some screen captures of a few double spreads from ISQ H.L. v.I
A limited page preview can be seen at Blurb. Check it out when you click the button below! Enjoy!
ISQ: Beauty (Negative)
“Curiously possible and charming. As palpable as a dream.” ~ Bo Stanly
A 36 page picture magazine that explores a different way of seeing beauty. For those of you who love new ideas and visual explorations that turn the norms around a bit, this is for you.
A limited page preview can be seen at Blurb. Check it out when you click the button below! Enjoy!
ISQ Revisit 2022
The Christian Consecrated Space
Truth, Beauty, and Goodness expressed in visual excellence.
A 52 page picture magazine and a revisit to the Jeff LeFever 2003-2014 photo documentation of over 400 churches and cathedrals in the USA, Europe, and Israel. This beautiful magazine is for those of you who find meaning and peace in such visually beautiful places.
A limited page preview can be seen at Blurb. Check it out when you click the button below! Enjoy!
ISQ Revisit 2022
Flora & Succulents
“Wondrous natural architecture and design, a beautiful inspiration”
A 56 page picture magazine that explores the beauty of flowers and cacti, up close and personal. B&W architectonics, to color moods: if you find wonder among the small beauties of nature, this is for you.
A limited page preview can be seen at Blurb. Check it out when you click the button below! Enjoy!
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